1. Why doesn’t Tail Blazers sell pets?

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Tail Blazers believes that animals deserve to be lovingly thought out and placed, and should not be an impulse buy! Puppy mills are often the source for pet sales in pet stores, and puppy mill conditions are very often inhumane and unacceptable. Tail Blazers has always been a big supporter of rescue and ethical breeders and it is safe to say that you have never, and will never, see pets of ANY kind for sale in any Tail Blazers store!

2. Are raw bones dangerous for my dog?

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A suitably sized/shaped raw meaty bone or chicken neck can be perfectly safe and great for oral health. Always supervise your pet when chewing bones, and never cook them as the cooking process can make them more brittle and more prone to splintering.

3. How do I know what food to choose for my pet?

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Each pet is an individual and each family has different needs in terms of time and budget. Do you have a puppy or kitten? Does your pet have a sensitive stomach or allergies? There are many options available to feed your pet, and if you are unsure, please contact us and we'd be happy to assist you.

4. Do you have biodegradable/degradable/compostable poop bags?

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We do! Biodegradable or degradable poop bags are the ONLY kind we carry. We also have compostable poop bags especially in cities that accept them into their composting bings. Our in-store shopping bags are also biodegradable, as we are committed to carrying products that are environmentally friendly wherever possible.

5. What issues are associated with clay based cat litter?

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There are numerous issues with clay based litters, which is why Tail Blazers chooses to carry other types of litter. Clay litters are produced from environmentally harmful strip mining. In addition, when your cat scratches in clay, harmful dust particles become airborne and inhaled, causing your cat potential lung problems down the road. And lastly, when a cat ingests clay when grooming its paws, there is the potential for the clay to become impacted in the bowel. All the litters we have at Tail Blazers are environmentally friendly and non-harmful to your cat!

6. Is sticking to one diet better for my pet?

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During allergy food trials and bouts of gastrointestinal upset, it may be necessary to stick to one diet as a short-term solution. However, feeding the same food every day over time can actually lead to allergies and nutrient deficiencies.

7. Is people food bad for my pet?

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Leftovers like lean meat can compliment your animal’s diet by adding a little extra variety. However, some foods like grapes, onions, and chocolate can also be dangerous for your pet. If you are unsure, ask your veterinarian!

8. I heard dry food and treats could clean my pet’s teeth. Is this true?

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Animals tend to swallow their kibble whole, which does not do anything for their teeth. Some commercial pet foods also contain ingredients that contribute to dental problems.

9. Is a prescription diet better quality because my vet recommends it?

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Many prescription diets contain vitamins and minerals that help with specific health problems. However, the quality of the food itself may be questionable. Always read the labels. RX foods can prove helpful short-term when dealing with acute issues, but not always as a long-term replacement for a more natural diet.

10. Is it better to leave food out for my cat to graze on all day?

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In the wild, cats do not have access to food at all times. Like dogs, they only eat when they hunt. Free feeding is the biggest contributor to obesity in felines and therefore is not recommended.


1. Can a raw diet improve the health and longevity of my pet?

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Yes! Wild ancestors of our now domestic dogs and cats ate a raw diet in the wild, and their body chemistry is designed to digest, assimilate and utilize all the nutrients of a raw diet. Because of this, they thrive on such a diet. Similarly, look at human diets. It is well known that eating fast food and junk food (equivalent to the lack of pet appropriate nutrition in many commercial foods) will contribute to many diseases such as heart disease, therefore shortening lifespan. Our ancestors did not have this fast food to clog their arteries – our bodies were not designed to eat this type of food (just like dogs and cats did not have processed, by-product filled food)! In contrast, it is proven that a diet rich in fruit, vegetables and fibre will reduce heart disease, increasing lifespan.

The same goes for pet’s - a natural, raw diet is the most health promoting, readily absorbed food for pets. Healthy food DOES equal a healthy pet!

Stop by and visit us for more information about whether a raw diet is a good choice for you and our pet.

2. Does feeding a raw food diet require a lot of extra work?

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Actually, feeding raw does not take a lot of work and it is very easy! First of all, food for up to four days can be defrosted at the same time (stored in the fridge), so you don’t have to take food out of the freezer every day. Many products we carry do not need any mixing, it’s just thaw and serve the appropriate amount!

3. Is it true that there is a lot less stool when a pet is fed a raw diet?

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Yes, this is true! Because raw food is so easily digested, there is a lot less waste, therefore less stool. The stool is more compact, is odourless, and will disintegrate very quickly. Colour will vary, depending on the kind of meat consumed. Additionally, stools are harder which helps keep the anal glands properly cleaned.

4. How is “feeding raw” different than just buying meat from the grocery store?

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Feeding a proper raw diet is not just raw meat. Raw diets for dogs and cats are made up of meat, bone, organ meats, vegetables, and supplements. All of these elements are needed in proper proportions to ensure your pet maintains their health. Additionally, most raw diets that Tail Blazers has are made from hormone and anti-biotic free meats, a bonus that is not found with standard grocery store meat.

5. Can I feed my pet raw food and kibbled food?

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Yes. The important thing is to not feed them both it in the same meal. Kibble can take up to 16 hours to digest, where raw is about 3 to 4 hours, so mixing them is not suggested. So if you choose to feed both, feed raw in the morning and kibble in the evening, for example. This goes for both dogs and cats.


1. Do you ship across Canada?

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No, we do not ship across Canada from our location.

2. Do you offer curbside pick-up?

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Curbside Pick-Up

We are pleased to offer curbside pick-up for your online ordering.

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